A Tour to the Heart of the Internet (and Why It Smells) & Improving Your Self-Discipline to Achieve Success

Something You Should Know show

Summary: Of course you know that if your hand is in water long enough, your fingertips get shriveled up and wrinkly. But wait, everything else in the world SWELLS up when it gets wet, so why do fingers do the opposite? I think you’ll find the answer quite interesting. Also, what is the Internet – and where is the Internet? We think of the Internet as being virtual but there is a physical Internet – there has to be. Those network connections all have to connect somewhere. Journalist Andrew Blum author of the book, Tubes (http://amzn.to/2tAUJ8u) takes us all on a journey of the physical Internet – where it is, how it works and what it smells like. Then, do you know what to do when lightning strikes? Much of what we hear isn’t true. I’ll tell you what the experts say about staying safe in a lightning storm. And when I say “self-discipline” you probably think, “That sounds hard.” But when it comes to achieving success in anything, a little self-discipline can be a very powerful tool. Rory Vaden, author of the N.Y. Times bestseller, Take The Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving Success (http://amzn.to/2tfQsVP) explains how self-discipline really works, how powerful it is and why there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about it.