Prophetic Alert: Kim prophesied in 2013 about a “Donald” who will win

House of Destiny Audio Podcast show

Summary: Prophetic Alert: Kim Prophesied in 2013 About a Donald Who Will Win In this after-election Prophetic Alert, Sunil shares some amazing prophetic words Kim has given over the past several years pertaining to a new President and the election. It is amazing to hear some of these words that were given up to ten years ago that are so exact in their description of what is happening today! He shares a prophetic word from April 20, 2013 in which Kim spoke about a man by the name of Donald who was influential and that God would open the door and he would be elected. It is an extremely accurate word given two years before Donald Trump even announced his intention to join the Presidential race. He also shares a stunning word that Kim gave on April 4, 2007, that “Trump shall become a trumpet.” In this same word, Kim goes on to prophesy: “I will not forget 911 and what took place that day. I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York who will once again stand watch over this nation, says the Spirit of God. It shall come to pass that the man I place in the highest office shall go in whispering My name, but God says, when he enters into the office he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit.” Sunil also shares an amazing word from February 10, 2007, where Kim prophesies that there will be a praying President, not a religious one. The people will say he has “hot blood” and yes he may, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of this country shall change rapidly. The Lord further says that this President will be at the helm for two terms. He will not be a praying President when he starts; God will put him in office, then He will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and power. Sunil also shares a very interesting word about Hillary Clinton – that she will have a testimony second to none and will eventually come out and make declaration that Christ Jesus saved her marriage, her child, and saved her life. When this happens, there will be a shaking in the Democratic party that is very powerful.