6/21/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Republican Karen Handel’s victory in the special election for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District won’t change anything. America’s post-Constitutional situation, with a massive debt, open borders, and an entrenched administrative state, won’t be affected at all. The reason for this intransigence is a decades-long campaign by the political Left to put anti-constitutional structures in place of our proper federal order. The real lesson to be gained from Handel’s election is that no matter how many elections we win, we do not unravel what the statists and the progressives have built, which is a government that has devoured our constitutional system. After that, Jeh Johnson testified at a House hearing on Russian hacking. Didn’t this hacking happen under Barack Obama, Johnson and Loretta Lynch's watch? Well for a while they covered it up and didn’t tell the American people; they sat on this information until October. Johnson pats himself on the back for getting the information out about the Russian hacking weeks before the election. Why not months? They thought Hillary was going to win and that is why they didn’t want to upset this outcome. The hiding of this crucial information about Russian interference was purely partisan. It’s not Trump colluding with the Russians, it is the Obama Administration concealing what the Russians did in order to help Hillary so her election would not appear tainted. In addition, there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians. There is no witness anywhere that has said otherwise. Finally, the new Republican healthcare bill coming through the Senate is not repeal. They are scaling back parts of Obamacare while increasing certain subsidies.