6/22/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The number one reason that Republicans took control of the Congress, Senate and the Presidency is because of the problems caused by Obamacare. Why would Republicans think that repealing Obamacare would not be popular? The bill that Senate Republicans are putting forward is 95% Obamacare and is a joke. The McConnell-care bill is so weak that even Jonathan Gruber, a chief architect of Obamacare agrees that it is not a repeal. We never move in the direction of free market capitalism, of choice, and liberty. We seem bound in the box the left has made for us. After that, Daniel Horowitz calls in to explain that the Republican healthcare plan is not even Obamacare 2.0 or Obamacare lite but keeps the core pillars of Obamacare. We get the crony capitalism of the private sector lobbyists and government interference all together. McConnell said he was going to rip Obamacare out root and branch, but what he really meant was that he was going to take it out of the Democrat field and replant it on the Republican side. The real difference is Democrats want Obamacare funded with tax increases and Republicans want it funded with deficit spending. This plan will be the biggest driver of deficit spending. Later, the ideology of Statism appears in many ways like healthcare, education, immigration, and even our governing system. It is a bulldozer that plows over our institutions. You are not free to have the healthcare you want in this society as an individual, because the only way you can be free in the statist mentality is among the collective. The left believe you can only be free by way of the government. That means that the government has to make things equal and eliminate risks which of course it can't. True freedom includes the unalienable rights of the individual. Finally, the Russians tried to interfere with the 2016 election and the Obama Administration failed to stop them. Even President Trump is asking why didn’t they do anything to stop the Russians from hacking?