6/27/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Throughout 'Rediscovering Americanism,' you’ll see these dichotomies. You’ll see these opposites. Americanism versus progressivism. What does that mean? It means constitutionalism versus centralism. It means individualism versus conformity. It’s about private property versus collectivism. Prosperity versus redistribution. Separation of powers versus the administrative state. It is about discerning who we are, where we are and why we are. These are the big questions. This is a book for people who want to be inspired but informed and to get us back to basics. After that, for months and months the Obama administration covered up Russia interference and did nothing effective to stop it. Barack Obama knew full well that Russians had tapped into the DNC database and tried to tap into the Republican database. He knew full well that 39 states were under attack while he gave a news conference in October of 2016, where he trashed President Donald Trump over questioning the integrity of the elections. Trump overcame that as well as the investigation into his campaign. Now you can be sure that the Russians wish Hillary Clinton was president and that Obama was still in power. This is on Obama and all his Democrat appointees who appeased Putin and Russia. In addition, Project Veritas did an undercover operation and got the supervising producer at CNN, John Bonifield on tape saying the Russia story is mostly bullsh*t. We now know what is going on at CNN from the top. It has been CEO’s Jeff Zucker's purpose to go to war with Trump and to drive up his ratings by doing so. CNN goes after anybody that doesn't dance to the tune of the left. Finally, unfortunately for Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republicans wouldn’t pass the healthcare monstrosity. McConnell’s priorities are screwed up and he has been in D.C. way too long.