7/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The Declaration of Independence is what July 4th celebrates and is so important. The Declaration of Independence is the formal consensus proclamation for America's founding and is a revolutionary document. It was the first time that anyone wrote down the statement, “All men are created equal”. The first part of the Declaration is the heart of the Declaration. There is a debate between constitutional conservatives and liberals. Does the first part of the Declaration really matter or is it just the 28 count indictment against King George and the British Crown? The progressive movement says forget about the first part of the Declaration, the American Revolutionaries fought just on the 28 issues. They want us to forget, overlook and dismiss the phrase "laws of nature and nature’s God” among other things. Those words have been the target of progressive attacks for 150 years. If you live in the U.S. or anywhere in the world you know right from wrong, whether you live it or not is another issue. These ideas are not legislative or political but are based on right reason. There are certain values and beliefs and principles that are right. This is a big problem for the progressives. In addition, a Constitutional Republic is the only form of government that can nourish the principles that are protected by the Constitution. The Constitution is best way to protect us from tyranny. No other kind of government including progressivism acknowledges the unalienable rights of man. Later, Bernie Sanders is exactly what the Founders abhorred. They knew about Sanders and his ilk during time of the Founding. Sanders and those like him like to wrap their message in popular sovereignty and ability to choose. They only believe in this and other things when it results in more power for the state.