7/4/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: We bring you the best of Mark Levin on this Independence day! The long-held official policy of the Department of Justice is that a sitting president of the United States cannot be indicted, according to an official 1973/2000 DOJ memoranda. All this talk about whether President Trump personally is under investigation for obstruction of justice, or whether Trump violated the law, will never go to court. If Robert Mueller should seek to indict Trump in the end the Supreme Court would throw it out. So why does the endless cloud of investigation around the Trump administration exist? It exists generally to distract and derail Trump’s presidency, and specifically for the purposes of impeachment. Also, leftist politicians pushing single-payer healthcare are trying to institute hell on earth. Senate Democrats have gone past criticizing the GOP’s current health care proposal to espouse their support for government-run health care. They paint these things as paradise. Senators like Elizabeth Warren and Richard Blumenthal believe that freedom attains its highest possibility through the state. This is the ideology off the progressive today. The progressives are always marching in support of their agenda. Also, now some want the Republicans to move on from healthcare to tax cuts. That is how you lose a country. Republicans need to push a conservative healthcare agenda and take their case to the American people. As long as you have guys like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, single payer will be our fate. In addition, the scholars and intellectuals like Walter White that gave birth to Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama and the rest of them. You ignore the academics and intellectuals at their own peril, but they have the last laugh. Ultimately academicians want to control your lives. They think they are smarter than everybody else. Finally, Jeh Johnson testified at a House hearing on Russian hacking. Didn’t this hacking happen under Barack Obama, Johnson and Loretta Lynch’s watch? Well for a while they covered it up and didn’t tell the American people; they sat on this information until October. Johnson pats himself on the back for getting the information out about the Russian hacking weeks before the election. Why not months? They thought Hillary was going to win and that is why they didn’t want to upset this outcome. The hiding of this crucial information about Russian interference was purely partisan. It’s not Trump colluding with the Russians, it is the Obama Administration concealing what the Russians did in order to help Hillary so her election would not appear tainted. In addition, there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians. There is no witness anywhere that has said otherwise.