7/6/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Trump’s speech in Poland on Thursday was excellent. He called out Russia, North Korea and gave his support for NATO during his speech. But the out of control media have once again exposed themselves as anti-Trump to the point of sheer stupidity in reacting to President Trump's speech. Look how angry the NBC reporter asking Trump questions was. In addition, CNN’s Jim Acosta calls what the President is saying “fake news”. Which political party is Acosta a reporter for? If he wants to present an opinion that is one thing, but he is covering the President. Acosta never challenged Barack Obama, like he does Trump. Can you think of anyone in the media who challenged Obama? After that, the nominee for Deputy Director of Office of Management and Budget, Russ Vought is a practicing Christian and was grilled by Bernie Sanders at his confirmation hearing. Sanders raised questions about a post Vought made about Muslims which was based on Vought’s Christian faith. Sanders is voting no and is violating the Constitution through his line of questioning. In response, 64 Republicans, including James Lankford wrote a letter to AG Jeff Sessions asking him to reaffirm that no religious test should be required to be admitted for public office. Later, the Republican Party is no longer the Party of Lincoln, Reagan and Coolidge. Republicans are now upset that Ted Cruz wants to allow insurance companies to carry any kind of plan they want while keeping at least one Obamacare plan. This is not about healthcare and quality medical care but, about power and control by Democrats and progressive Republicans, who follow their lead like puppies. Progressives want to determine what you can do with your life and what doctor you should see, or whether you get to see a doctor at all. Individualism is rejected not just by Senate Democrats but by Senate Republicans as well.