No Tolerance for Religion and Q&A

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Summary: On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: Did Adam and Eve not know the serpent was Satan deceiving them? Are you familiar with the book Key to Yourself by Venice Bloodworth? If God would have set the triggers differently so that Adam and Eve would not have sinned, and yet knew they would sin, how could they be free? Will we actually eat in heaven, and if so, will we eat meat? What does God think about what's going on with gay marriage in this country? I had a conversation with a friend who attends a King James Version only church; what is your perspective on this? What translation would you recommend? My pastor preached the doctrine of soul sleep, but I believe my soul will be in the presence of Jesus when I die. Can you expand on this?