Q&A: Lordship Salvation, Witnessing to Muslims, and the Sin Leading to Death

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Summary: On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: What is your opinion of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries? As Christians, what happens after death? Where do you stand on the Lordship Salvation controversy? How would you address a Muslim who denies Jesus' crucifixion? Someone told me it is inappropriate to thank people because is it only proper to thank God. What do you think of this? I read an article by John Piper where he said it was unbiblical for Christians to be cremated. What are your thoughts on cremation? Is baptism necessary for salvation? What was the meaning of Jesus saying, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me"? Can you shed some light on Ephesians 1:17? What is the sin leading to death in 1 John 5:16?