How Many Make a Parliament?

Europe Calling show

Summary: Just 30 deputies showed up for a session, prompting an angry reaction from Jean-Claude Juncker:The European Parliament is ridiculous. Very ridiculous. I welcome those of you who made the effort to come to the chamber. But the fact that only around 30 MEPs have shown up for this debate amply demonstrates that this parliament is not serious August 1 is an important date in Germany: most companies across the country open the deadline for young people to apply for a dual vocational training (FP). As a result of the Brexit negotiations, the British government has studied the Spanish immigrants closely for the first time, and found that over half of Spanish workers in the UK work in education, health and finance. Sex changes filed at Spain’s Civil Registry have tripled in the last seven years, according to data from the Justice Ministry. The number of people applying to amend their gender on their Spanish ID document – known as the DNI – went from 132 in 2009 to 436 in 2016. Spain’s former monarch, King Juan Carlos is reportedly annoyed not to have been invited to a ceremony on Wednesday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the creation of the first sitting of the country’s Congress after the return to democracy. A heroic lorrydriver was forced to drive along the roads of Granada whilst its cargo was on fire. He'd noticed his trailer was ablaze and was forced to make the difficult decision on whether to stop the vehicle or not. NO less than 538 live mortar shells were found by surprised divers in a river in Aragon whilst searching for a missing person. The UK will be expected to hand asylum to potentially thousands of refugees to ease the 'unprecedented' migration crisis in Italy, Brussels chiefs said yesterday. The London Bridge terror attack mastermind Khuram Butt's sister has been sacked from Heathrow after being suspended over security fears. Her husband was also suspended from his job at the airport. Foreign boats will no longer be allowed to catch fish close to Britain’s coastline under a move announced by Ministers Pilots today warned of a 'disaster' unless drones are subjected to tougher regulation after a drone caused chaos at London Gatwick Airport. A Muslim student union leader at Salford University has claimed she would like to 'oppress white people' and has suggested there would be an Islamic takeover if more people read the Koran. Meanwhile, another headline reads 'I call on my fellow Muslims to stop blaming VICTIMS of child sex gangs': Lawyer who helped jail the Rochdale grooming gang calls to end violent misogyny he says 'excuses these monsters' Hospitals should ban handshakes and encourage ‘fist bumps’ as an alternative greeting, it has been claimed.