The Incoherence of Transgenderism and Q&A

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Summary: Hank comments on an article in the Daily Wire about a biologically male murderer who "identifies" as a woman. Peter Laing, a transgender "woman," who goes by the name Paris Green, has been moved back to the male section of prison because he had intercourse with multiple female inmates. Since there are supposedly more than fifty gender differentiations, moving Paris back to the male prison makes no sense if she is actually a he. This is all sad and confusing and shows why it is so important for Christians to be able to deal with issues like this. Hank also answers the following questions: Is the idea of self-love biblical? Shouldn't we put God first and loving others second? What are your thoughts on John Hagee? Why would Jesus tell people to go and sin no more since we can't do that? What is your take on the prosperity message and the idea of the 30, 60, 100 fold return? How should we deal with bi-polar disorder? How could God use animals as prophets, such as Balaam's donkey? What do you think of The Shack by William P. Young? Could you offer some advice to young Christians on how to study the Bible? How does one from a different faith have a conversation with an American Muslim? Should we separate the religion from the culture?