#190 - Brian Littrell

The Life of Dad Show show

Summary: Tommy Riles and Art Eddy wrap up Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness Week by talking about Tommy's brave daughter Barbara's story dealing with CHD. Then the guys are honored to chat with Backstreet Boys singer, Brian Littrell. Brian Littrell is known for being part of the very popular group, The Backstreet Boys. He is a singer, actor and songwriter. With all the success that Brian and his bandmates have had and still continue to have you might think that he feels that he is larger than life. Yet when you see him interact with fans on social media or watch how much fun he has with his wife and son you come to find out that Brian is a down to Earth guy. Brian is no stranger to hard times though. Brian was born with a congenital heart defect (CHD) which was diagnosed as a ventricular septal defect. For those who don't know February is heart awareness month. The second week is usually CHD Awareness week. We here at Life of Dad make it point to help raise that awareness. One way we do that is by talking with other dads who have experienced CHD in one way or another. Brian was kind enough to share his story about living with a CHD with us as well as talking about how his son is now following in his footsteps and what we can expect from the Backstreet Boys this year. Follow Brian on Twitter @brian_littrell, Facebook, BrianLittrell.com as well as the Backstreet Boys site at BackstreetBoys.com.