Faulty Paradigms, Faulty Science, and Q&A

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Summary: On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses the article, "People trust science, so why don't they believe it?" Too often, scientists approach their data with faulty paradigms. Hank also answers the following questions: Why didn't Jesus usher in the Messianic kingdom where the lion will lie down with the lamb? When Jesus told Peter He would build His church, was He referring to the Catholic Church? What do you think of doctor assisted death? Does it strike you as odd that my friend died in an elderly care center? Although I am a Protestant, I see value in the Orthodox church. Are scientific paradigms deflecting from the true message of the Bible? Since Christ has all power, will Satan have the ability to empower the Anti-Christ? I've heard you speak against Zionism. Why is it dangerous for me to believe that Israel still has a significant future?