Islamic Jihadism, Ramadan, and Q&A

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Summary: On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank begins the program discussing the tragedy in Egypt. This is global Islamic Jihadism. The month of Ramadan begins this evening, and has already begun in Egypt. Hank also answers the following questions: Are generational curses possible? Is there a scripture I could go to, to get more information to help us? Does Calvinism do damage to the character of God? Over the last few days you've mentioned the real presence of Christ in the elements of the eucharist. Is this different from Christ's promise to be with us always? Does the Bible speak specifically about self-defense? The Shepherd's Chapel says that Cain and Abel were twins with different fathers. Can you address this? Where does chapter 9 of Revelation fit in with Gog and Magog, and Armageddon? Can Hank, or someone there give me information on Rob Bell? Do you still hold some of the critical beliefs you held about Timothy Ware's book?