Part 4: Steps - What Now, What’s Next

Simple Steps Real Change on Empower Radio show

Summary: Now that the initial shock from experiencing the worst life has to offer has settled in you realize that you need to do something. Unfortunately you’re walking through foreign territory and you don’t know what to expect let alone what to do. So much has changed in your life of late and everything you believed in is in question. Unless you’ve been fired, bankrupt, divorced or widowed more than once you don’t have a clue what happens now or next. In today’s show, the 4th in the series Challenges: Surviving to Thriving the Worst Life Has to Offer, we’re going to explore what happens now and next for you. Cheryl opens up the discussion with traversing the paths of financial devastation from job loss, foreclosure & bankruptcy to losing your financial security. Discover what you can do to empower your next steps through education and professional help. Whether from a job loss or divorce what you do now and next matters for your future peace of mind. If your dealing with the death of a loved one tune it to understand that while your solo journey may be unique it is also forged by your choices. Regardless of what the worst has been for you listen in and pick up a Simple Step or two that will make what happens now and next just a little bit easier. And you need that!