051: Attitude (Episode #51)

Podcast – Adventures in Arting Podcast show

Summary:  <br> I’m delighted to bring you another episode of the Adventures in Arting Podcast!  Today’s episode covers a lot of ground.  I titled it “Attitude” because I was trying to think how to capture all the disparate strands of our conversation and in the end I decided that they all boiled down to attitude.  Much like <a href="http://balzerdesigns.typepad.com/balzer_designs/2016/07/there-is-no-right-or-wrong-in-art.html">yesterday’s blog post</a> — which we discuss on today’s podcast and I share some reader comments — attitude is one of the determining factors to contentment with what you create and even who you are.<br> Here are two links to things we discussed:<br> <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Delany">Mary Delany</a> — I am planning to do a full blog post about her, but here’s one photo of her work in the meantime:<br> <a class="asset-img-link" href="http://balzerdesigns.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c766153ef01bb092366bf970d-popup"></a><br> My new “just for fun” instagram account: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/whatjulieate/">whatjulieate</a>:<br> <a class="asset-img-link" href="http://balzerdesigns.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c766153ef01bb09236778970d-popup"></a><br> There have been some really fantastic listener comments lately, so next podcast (two weeks from now) we are going to do a show based on all of those awesome ideas and questions!  If you want to add your thoughts, we’d love to include them in our conversation, so leave us a comment!<br> Thanks for stopping by!<br> Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/adventures-in-arting-podcast/id561813081#" target="_self">here</a>.<br>