MTG Pro Tutor – 210: Controlling Emotional Responses with Javier Luna

MTGCast show

Summary: Javier Luna is a veteran player who has played in several Pro Tours and Worlds. He runs a website at that provides free articles in Spanish. The site covers all the formats and focuses on growing the Latin American Magic community. He has 1 Grand Prix Top 8 and 1 Super Sunday Series Final Top 8. Javier lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Javier Luna when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here: First Set Mirage Favorite Set Legends / Urza's Saga Favorite Card Mana Drain Early Challenge Drafting has always been a challenge for Javier. He focuses on this by drafting online. Screenshots are a lifesaver. Worst Magic Moment At a GP in Santiago, Javier went 9-0 in day1 but went 0-5-1 on day 2. He felt so bad and struggled mentally, but came to realize that everyone has good and bad days. Proudest Magic Moment First Grand Prix top 8 / Seeing countrymen do great. Shortcomings Javier is working on his draft skills and is focusing on controlling his emotional responses to losing. Best Format Legacy Daily Habits Reading everything he can. Javier keeps tabs through CFB and SC. He also plays every day even if it's just one or two matches. Deepest Thing You've Learned About Yourself Javier learned about leadership and friendship. Biggest Mistake Players Make Players complain about luck all the time when they have no control over it. Improve yourself and understand that luck is part of the game. Preparation for  Tournaments Javier followed the metagame closely and chose a Blue / Red deck. However, one week before the Grand Prix, he started losing a lot. So Javier talked with the best player in the country and switched to a Mardu deck. Parting Guidance Enjoy the game. Magic is great. Play with friends and meet new people. Travel all you can. Magic Resource, CFB, SCG Connect With Javier Luna Twitter:@MagicLair Check Out Magic Story Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community. Listen to Episode 1 here or on  THANK YOU!!!