MTG Pro Tutor – 213: Be a Generous Winner and a Gracious Loser with Kevin Jones

MTGCast show

Summary: Kevin Jones has been playing magic since Urza's Saga and has been playing competitively since Onslaught. He has 10 Star City Games Open top 8s, 1 Grand Prix top 8, is a 3 time SCG Player's Championship Competitor, has 2 Pro Tour Appearances AND is the Co-host of The Weekly Ward Wednesdays on He is also a writer for Kevin lives in Kingston, NY Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Kevin Jones when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here: First Set Urza's Saga Favorite Set Innistrad Favorite Card Snapcaster Mage Early Challenge Kevin has always been competitive and his play group was too. He watched his younger friends get really good he wondered why he wasn't improving. Kevin expanded himself by playing new decks and learning different archetypes. Magic Milestones Kevin made top 8 at States in 2004. Worst Magic Moment At his first Pro Tour, Kevin built his deck the night before the event. He failed to make day 2 and was really taken aback by it. Proudest Magic Moment Winning a Grand Prix. What Have You Learned From Magic Math :). Magic also changes the way you think as far as values and risk. Biggest Mistake Players Make Caring so much that it pains you to lose. Young players tend to lose sight of the big picture and get torn up when they lose. To overcome this, your mindset / approach to Magic needs to evolve to where you enjoy the game and understand that it is a game and how lucky you are to fuel your competitive drive through a complex hobby. Parting Guidance Don't lose sight of yourself and don't let loses define who you are. Connect With Kevin Jones Twitter:@kjvsthehighway Check Out Magic Story Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community. Listen to Episode 1 here or on THANK YOU!!!