2 Trolls & a Brew, 87 “And Top 8”

MTGCast show

Summary: It's time again for another exciting episode of 2 Trolls & a Brew, 87 “And Top 8” sub title "How to spot a fake card.." watch the raw show on YouTube! Hi De Ho you alls, Yep time for another episode of 2 trolls. This week Travis is distracting me with his unwillingness to cover his wife beater.. There was a lot of other magic talk including some helpful comments on a couple of newer spoilers for me at least. I will end the notes by saying that the end of the show had me rolling. Worth. Troll On! Important Social Stuff: Email: 2trollsbrew @ Gmail.com Twitter: @SamiusGurobo  @TurtlePower319 Twitch:www.Twitch.tv/SamiusGurobo Home Website: SamiusGurobo.com Find us on Podcast Garden Find us on : iTunes