Elder Dragon Durdle Podcast 44 – Niksa, the Birthday Boy

MTGCast show

Summary: It's Nikša's birthday and he'll Wurm if he wants to! This week, Nikša gets a birthday present, Igor does the impossible and has loads of fun with Leovold, and we cover the rest of HOU spoiler. Next stop, prerelease! Commander of the week Nikša: Thought Knot Seer Igor: Leovold is Fun! Topics: 1. MythicSpoiler http://mythicspoiler.com/newspoilers.html 2. Nikša's Birthday Present - http://imgur.com/Lc0SAzA Outro - Iron Maiden - Strange World Show’s Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ElderDragonDurdle/ Igor’s Twitter https://twitter.com/BluestManInMtG Igor’s TappedOut http://tappedout.net/users/Mishraharad/ Nikša's TappedOut http://tappedout.net/users/TerraTron/ Igor's PucaTrade - https://pucatrade.com/profiles/show/5663