The Good Book?

Life & Faith show

Summary: <p>An historian, a poet, and a former lawyer discuss the Bible in Australian history and culture.</p><br> <p>---</p><br> <p>"I think [the Bible] is a good book," says poet Lachlan Brown, "but I do think it’s been used in terrible ways."</p><br> <p>Lachlan Brown, historian Meredith Lake and former lawyer Roy Williams were panellists at a 2017 Sydney Writers’ Festival event titled "The Good Book? The Bible in Australian Culture Today".</p><br> <p>In this episode, we look at the role of the Bible in Australian society and culture throughout history - its influence on the treatment of Aboriginal people, on Australian literature, and even the small - but significant - pacifist movement in Australia during World War I.</p><br> <p>"So we’ve got this tradition of non-violence," Meredith Lake says. "It’s a minority tradition, but the Bible’s 'blessed are the peacemakers', and when Christ said 'put your sword away, Peter', those are really powerful. They give us a counter-narrative to the kind of nation we want to be."</p><br> <p>And hear from the panellists about their personal connection to this book.</p><br> <p>"It makes sense of the world like no other book that I've ever read,” says Roy Williams. “There are still mysteries of course, but it stands up superbly."</p><br> <p>---</p><br> <p>Lachlan Brown’s book of poetry is <em>Limited Cities</em>, and Roy Williams’ book is titled <em>God, Actually</em>. You can find them in bookstores and online. Meredith Lake’s new book about the Bible and its contested reception in Australia will be published in late 2017.</p><br> <p>SUBSCRIBE to <em>Life &amp; Faith</em> on Apple Podcasts (or wherever you get your podcasts):</p>