Mark Wilkinson, Superannuation Partner , BDO

Hebrew show

Summary: Did you know that effective from 1 July 2017, the superannuation laws are changing dramatically? Are you prepared for it? Listen to Mark Wilkinson a superannuation specialist with BDO Sydney and find out how the new legislation may imp... (Did you know that effective from 1 July 2017, the superannuation laws are changing dramatically? Are you prepared for it? Listen to Mark Wilkinson a superannuation specialist with BDO Sydney and find out how the new legislation may impact on the areas of your superannuation. Mark Wilkinson explains the most major change: There was a lack of equity with the system…they (the Government) have imposed a limit on what you wil be able to hold in a tax free pension from one July 2017, to an amount of no more than 1.6 million….. Wilkinson told Nitza Lowenstein that the savings in the Superfund is still a good choice: I guess the important point that it is (the Superfund) still very attractive vehicle for people to hold their savings…there is nothing else where you will get access to those types of income tax rates the Australian tax system…   Listen to Mark Wilkinson a superannuation specialist with BDO Sydney and find out how the new legislation may impact on the areas of your superannuation. Please seek further advice from your own accountant for your specific situation and needs  )