Greatest Story Ever Told – The Salt of the Earth (AFRS). ep101, 490306

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A young couple have a girl who is deathly sick. The Master is to be in town soon, but he hasn’t arrived yet. Desparate, Jonathan sets out on his own to find the Master, but how will he find him? Mordecai the town elder can’t be found, and where do you find one of the apostles when you need one? <br> Meanwhile on the road, a group of the disciples walk, and wonder if they are doing the right thing. They hear of the man’s sick girl, but debate on which one will present the girl for healing. As they do, Jonathan has left. Back at the rock where the apostles were to meet the Master, he’s gone too. What is this? Hide and seek… Bible style? <br> With all the missed connections, and seeking going on, the girl has died. The disciples are two days late. Or are they? Jonathan’s house is finally found, and the girl is sick, but alive… barely. As they talk to her mother, she tells the disciples they’re late once again, This time, because the girl has suddenly become normal and healthy. What’s going on here? <br> Jonathan enters to tell about his encounter with the Master, and healing from a distance. At the end of the day, the apostles trudge back to tell the Master of their day, and the pride that nearly ruined it for them. It may have little to do with salt and light, but a lot more with debating who is the greater among them. Although the disciples learn how being salt applies to them. <br>