Philip Marlowe – The Girl from Pitchfork Corners. ep91, 500705

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: News alert from the past: The deteriorating political situation in South Korea has troops standing by to move in at a moments notice. <br> LynnRussel is an old flame who needs Phil’s protection from a killer. Rushing to her beauty shop, there’s nothing to learn, but a thump on the head waits for him back at his office. Heading to her bungalow, Marlowe discovers Palmer Sloane. What connection does he have with Lynn, or the killer? <br> The search leads to a small time bandleader, and Maxine. How will the dame tie into Marlowe’s next target, Ward Erling? The rising body count won’t shake our hardboiled hero. <br> Which of our shady characters is going to be Marlowe’s man? The water front is the next stop in untangling the mess, and revengful motives. Stand by, the head thumping action isn’t over yet. Good thing Marlowe has a skull like a helmet.<br><br> His options are running slim, and in a scene with the remaining characters present, justice finds its own way to solve the mystery. <br> PS: Guest voist of note today is Arthur Q Brian. <br>