Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Bello Horizonte Railroad Matter. 500706

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Edmund O’Brian is Johnny Dollar, and today he’s off to Brasil to investigate an insurance matter with the railroad. Mr Haley is dealing with a ruthless competitor, who has resorted to sabotage to get the upper hand. What might Johnny learn about the engine crashes from the competitor? <br> Next, Johnny uncovers evidence of tampering with safety equipment on the engines. Will the rail yard workers overcome their fear of losing their jobs, and come through with the goods for Johnny? It only serves to introduce murder into the picture. <br> Confronting the rival, Johnny pushes for answers while bribes and threats are tossed back at him. Who is going to blink first? The situation turns explosive, and Johnny has to fight for his life. Has he found the weak spot in the armor? Will he live long enough to report his finddings to the officials? The body count rises before answers to the mystery are revealed. <br>