TRussia Daily: Ask David Corn Anything

The Brian Lehrer Show show

Summary: <p>On the final day of the TRussia Daily series, MSNBC analyst and <a href="" target="_blank">Mother Jones</a> Washington bureau chief <a class="guestlink" href="/people/david-corn/">David Corn</a> answers anything and everything about the Trump and Russia investigation. First up, Corn discusses the latest developments from a <a href="" target="_blank">Wall Street Journal article</a> implicating a connection between Russian hackers and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The main question from the article: why was Flynn the point person for the Russian hackers?</p> <p>And when it comes to the investigation, Corn says, something to remember is that, "Collusion isn't the be all, end all here. There are a lot of things that could be wrong besides collusion." So he urges people to not get hung up on that, especially as special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation continues.</p>