Slate Money: The Methodologically Problematic Edition

Slate Daily Feed show

Summary: Felix Salmon of <em>Fusion</em>, emerging-markets expert Anna Szymanski, and Slate Moneybox columnist Jordan Weissmann discuss:<br><br>- <a href="">Google being fined for antitrust violations in the E.U.</a><br>- <a href="">The bailout of two Italian banks</a><br>- <a href="">Seattle’s minimum wage</a><br><br>Check out other Panoply podcasts at <a href=""></a>.<br><br>Email: <a href=""></a><br><br>Twitter:<a href="">@felixsalmon</a>, <a href="">@Three_Guineas</a>, <a href="">@JHWeissmann</a> Production by <a href="">Daniel Schroeder</a>