Magic, adventure and courage - Jayel Gibson

Inside Scoop Live show

Summary: Imagine being summoned from the slumber of death, awaking in a shattered world you do not recall, betrayed by sibling, parent and lover imagine your search for the truth. Dragon Queen: An Ancient Mirrors Tale is a legend of magic, adventure, and courage set in the mythical world of Ædracmoræ; a tale that explores strength and weakness, hope and fear, and what it means to be a guardian in a world where peace hangs by a fine, golden thread. Without knowledge of the past, Yávië and the Guardians stumble on a quest more filled with peril than any that have come before, a quest that will test the depths of their loyalties and which paths they will choose. Together they embark on a journey to discover the truth of Yávië s birthright and a world they no longer remember. With the discovery that she was born of the Dragon Queen, Yávië is given knowledge of the powerful artifacts that will reunite the shattered kingdoms into a single world. However, with the rebirth of Ædracmoræ will come the opening of doorways that bring chaos and shadow to the new world an evil that may be far worse than the original destruction of the realm of the Dragon Queen. It is within this darkness that the guardians and their young queen struggle to gain control of what they have unleashed upon the kingdoms