YR1348 If Trumpcare killed you, would your dog eat you?

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Summary: Solo grum in which I wander the riverwalk in search of WHY.<br> <br> Very upset about healthcare.<br> <br> <br> <br> Show Notes:<br> <br> Yeast<br> <br> Team sports attitude<br> <br> Appears to same base macho shit that makes men watch sports. Primitive<br> <br> Kills poor people<br> <br> Then middle class<br> <br> Apathy<br> <br> Why is fb still talking about bullshit<br> <br> CBS reporting on golf cart.  Not detailed reporting on healthcare bill. Makes it sound no big deal<br> <br> @vp posts always about how bad Obamacare is but nothing about why Trumpcare good<br> <br> All jobs jobs jobs reminds me of slavery. Like that's what they're giving us.<br> <br> the terrorism by the R party is always having to worry about the rug being pulled out from under you. it’s terrorism. congress is the biggest terrorist<br> <br> medicare for all - amy goodman- DUH<br> <br> otherness of democrats like michael moore referring to dems as ‘they’ instead of ‘us’<br> <br> WHERE ARE THE PROTESTS?<br> <br> nazi philosophy is that if you’re not contributing to society by work then you’re useless and should die. trump care has the same effect. Can’t work? Die.<br> <br> text RESIST to 50409 - LETTERS WITH SIGNATURES!<br> <br> Do you see healthcare on this list? Me neither. We have a big problem. Hatred of Obama trumps healthcare on the right. Hatred of Trump trumps healthcare on the left. You don't care. You're sick of me posting about this. You don't mind dying early.<br> <br>