88: Creating your Bogey Proof Lifestyle

The 18STRONG Podcast: Golf | Golf Fitness | Mental Game | Nutrition show

Summary: What does every golfer on the planet want?  To prevent bogies!!  Yes, of course we all want to birdie every hole, but let’s face it, most golfers are not single digit players and if they could play better than “Bogey Golf” they would be ecstatic.<br> There is a lot that plays into making your game better.  Putting, chipping, working on the range, fitness training, mental game training, and much, much more.  Recently we released the book The Golfer’s Guide to a Bogey Proof Workout, which became an instant best seller on Amazon for golf books.<br> In this book I describe some of the most important factors that you should take into account when starting a golf fitness program.  But, as with any book, there can always be more info added and it can spark many new conversations.<br> One of those conversations that I have recently been having with quite a few people is about some of the other variables that can make a huge impact on not only your golf game, but your lifestyle in general.  Which has led to a whole new focus of 18STRONG which is not just helping golfers create better golf workouts, but an overall lifestyle that will support a their game, their goals, and ultimately their quality of life.<br> In this episode, I give you a glimpse into the main topics of the book as well as some of those key “Bogey Proof Lifestyle” elements!<br> Creating Your Bogey Proof Lifestyle<br> 1.) Have a Plan of Attack<br> <br> * Create goals that give you direction in your training, practice, diet, etc.<br> * Consistency: Consistency is more important than intensity in the long run<br> * Progress: If you don’t challenge yourself, you won’t grow or get better<br> * Accountability: Either you have to get good at being accountable or find someone that will be<br> <br> 2.) Create a Balanced Program<br> Refer back to <a href="http://18strong.com/golf-fitness-program/" target="_blank">Episode #65 “How to Choose the Right Exercises for your Program”</a><br> To many of us do the things we like to do in the gym vs what we really should be doing.  It’s important to pick a selection of exercises that will balance out your weaknesses and not make the gap between your dominant side/strengths even more drastic.<br> <br> * Push vs Pull<br> * Upper vs Lower<br> * Left vs Right<br> * Strength vs Flexibility<br> * etc<br> <br> 3.) Nutrition is Imperative<br> “You can’t out train a bad diet”<br> Refer back to <a href="http://18strong.com/nutrition-guidelines/" target="_blank">Episode #72 “10 Nutrition Guidelines to Live by on ON and OFF the Course”</a><br> The bottom line is that your nutritional habits affect everything: How you feel, how you perform, whether you reach your goals, How bad do you want it?<br> Competing Commitments: When there is a battle in your head over 2 things that you really want.  You have to make that decision each time the temptation arises. Eg. Telling yourself you want to loose 20lbs., but that chocolate long john donut looks really good right now.  You are competing with your commitment to your goal and your desire for the donut.<br> 4.) The Quality of Execution<br> Quality is much more important than quantity.<br> We have to pay attention to the posture, tempo, muscle contraction, or movement that we are working on.<br> Don’t just do the exercise to get it done.  Do it with the thought of executing it well. Thus the reason that I am not a huge fan of high intensity bootcamp style workouts.  Form is often sacrificed for time and more reps.<br> 5.) Challenge Yourself<br> If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.<br> Progress has to be forced with a new stimulus.<br> In other words, we have to challenge ourselves to grow, in any situation.  You don’t get better, stronger, faster, leaner,