That One Sports Show show

Summary: <p>LA will not get to host the 2021 Super Bowl as previously discussed. Because the stadium was moved back a whole year to 2020, they are not eligible to have the Super Bowl in that stadium. The league requires the stadium be up for at least two years before the final game of the season is held there. LA <em>will</em> get to host in 2022, but for 2021 the Super Bowl will be in Tampa Bay. </p> <p>Roger Goodell announced some new rules this week including a lightening up of celebration penalties. Group dances and using the ball as a prop are back. Hopefully we only see penalties in cases where the celebration is taking wayyyyy too long. Overtime will also be shortened to 10 minutes instead of 15 presumably to make things more exciting and killing the dull parts of OT. Just make it like college, problem solved. </p> <p>Another rule change is the slashing of players from a 90-man roster directly to 53. No more 75-man buffer, it’ll just be a straight slash at the end of the season. Most people are able to get behind this as it will allow for longer player evaluation. </p> <p>Overall good job NFL. These rules are good rules. </p>