JKs Happy Hour: Charles Soule

TaylorNetwork show

Summary: We have returning guest Image comics musically influenced supernatural story 27 writer Charles Soule to talk about his new projects Strange Attractors which is available digitally in chapters on Comixology from Archaia Entertainment. It will be available in hardcover in April. We also get into his upcoming run on the DC52 title SWAMP THING. http://charlessoule.wordpress.com/ Also JK is doing a art action to benefit writer/creator Peter David to help him while he is recovering from a stroke. For more info go to http://jkwoodwardart.blogspot.com/ Discount Comic Book Services http://www.dcbservice.com/index.aspx Instock Trades http://www.instocktrades.com/ Join us on the forums at http://www.forumforgeeks.com http://thetaylornetwork.wordpress.com/