JKs Happy Hour Martheus Wade

TaylorNetwork show

Summary: In this episode we are joined by comic creator Martheus Wade for a fun and in-depth discussion on his career in creator owned comics from his start to the creation of his school which teaches everything from brand identity, story boarding, graphic novels, and puppetry with Maw Productions. For Jetta: Tales of the Toshigawa and Kunoichi Hime www.toshigawa.com Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/JETTA-TALES-of-the-TOSHIGAWA/71100066683 For the Comic studio www.mawpro.com Join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/267211640062353/ Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/MartheusAW http://jkwoodwardart.blogspot.com/ Discount Comic Book Services http://www.dcbservice.com/index.aspx Instock Trades http://www.instocktrades.com/ Join us on the forums at http://www.forumforgeeks.com http://thetaylornetwork.wordpress.com/