Ghost Whispers 10: Ghost Fragment: The Exo Stranger 2.

Ghost Stories, a Destiny Podcast show

Summary: Whisper 10 (01/12/2016) - Ghost Fragment: The Exo Stranger 2 The story of the Guardians who made a whisper that’s basically a full blown episode. It’s interesting, but not entirely interesting. Whisper 10: Ghost Fragment: The Exo Stranger 2 Dropslash and BetaChieftain talk about the new Exo Stranger Ghost Fragment. Where did she visit? Does anybody get time travel? How do we do an outro again? We need Xray. Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: Facebook: /DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore