Episode 11: Rasputin Part 1 - I bear an old name. It cannot be killed.

Ghost Stories, a Destiny Podcast show

Summary: Episode 11 (01/26/2016) - I bear an old name. It cannot be killed. The story of the Guardians who investigated the Warmind Rasputin. Where did these Warminds come from? What involvement did they have with Golden Age research projects. Did Rasputin attack the Traveler? This is Part 1 of what is certain to be a long and in-depth series on everyone’s favorite Russian. There are so few ballet fans left. It’d be a shame to lose him. We are running another contest. 1st place prize is a generalist shell 3D printed Ghost. 2nd prize is a Bungie plush Ghost. You have until the end of January to enter. Tweet us @DGhostStories with your favorite lore topic and the hashtag #dgs3dghost. You can also send us an email or comment on Facebook if Twitter isn’t for you. Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: destinyghoststories@gmail.com Facebook: /DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. ishtar-collective.net destinytimeline.com r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore