Episode 12: I know who you are. You are Destiny.

Ghost Stories, a Destiny Podcast show

Summary: Episode 12 (02/02/2016) - I know who you are. You are Destiny. The story of the Guardians who investigated Bungie’s past enterprises looking for connections to Destiny. Is Destiny a re-telling of Pathways Into Darkness? Who said it first, Durandal or Rasputin. Can we learn anything about Rasputin’s potential rampancy from Cortana? Contact Us: Twitter: @DGhostStories Email: destinyghoststories@gmail.com Facebook: /DGhostStories Email us for an invite to our Fan Chat on Slack. Episode References: If you’re looking to get caught up on some of the subject discussed in this episode, feel free to check out these great sites. ishtar-collective.net destinytimeline.com r/DestinyTheGame r/DestinyLore Reddit - Inverted retelling of Pathways Into Darkness