Episode 39: Rise of Hype

Ghost Stories, a Destiny Podcast show

Summary: Episode 39: Rise of Hype! Incoming Transmission, Guardians! With Rise of Iron less than 24 hours away, this episode is all about recappping what we know so far, posing important questions for what we don't, and taking a look at some of the implications for both. We talk a bit about the #TRANSMISSION event, the major Rise of Iron characters, what the SIVA threat may mean for Humanity, the lore behind critical events that have already happened, and a whole lot more. It's an episode full of announcements, questions, and things to look out for while we play. We are super excited to dig into Rise of Iron and we hope you are to! Episode References: DestinyGhostStories.com 2016 Louisiana Floods Story Team Roundtable: [Game Informer] | [Youtube] Contact Us: Web: DestinyGhostStories.com Twitter: @dghoststories Email: destinyghoststories@gmail.com Facebook: /DGhostStories Instagram: @DGhostStories Great Resources: The Ishtar Collective Destiny Timeline r/DestinyLore r/DestinyTheGame