The Evening After the Night Before: analysing Super Tuesday [Audio]

LSE: Public lectures and events show

Summary: Speaker(s): Kate Andrews, Steve Erlanger, Gideon Rachman, Stephanie Rickard, Peter Trubowitz | On the 1st of March millions of American voters in 12 states will go to the polls in the 2016 US presidential election's 'Super Tuesday’ primary. The race so far has been unlike any in recent memory with the rise of outsider candidates from both the Republican and Democratic parties which has led to the most open-ended election in decades. Super Tuesday will make the direction of the race much clearer on both sides, paving the way for the party conventions in the early summer. Join us for a lively evening of discussion and debate with six experts on US politics. Kate Andrews (@KateAndrs) is News Editor at the Institute for Economic Affairs. Kate was former Head of Communications and a Research Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute. Kate has previously worked for the Institute of Economic Affairs,, the Open Currency Standard think tank and on Mitt Romney’s and Linda McMahon’s campaigns. Steve Erlanger (@StevenErlanger) is London bureau chief for the New York Times, having moved here in August 2013 after more than five years as the paper's bureau chief in Paris. Erlanger joined the NYT in September 1987. Gideon Rachman (@gideonrachman) became chief foreign affairs columnist for the Financial Times in July 2006. He joined the FT after a 15-year career at The Economist, which included spells as a foreign correspondent in Brussels, Washington and Bangkok. He also edited The Economist’s business and Asia sections. His particular interests include American foreign policy, the European Union and globalisation. Stephanie J. Rickard (@SJRickard) is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the London School of Economics in the Department of Government. She earned her PhD at the University of California, San Diego and her BA at the University of Rochester. Her research examines the effects of political institutions on economic policies. Peter Trubowitz (@ptrubowitz) is Professor of International Relations and Director of the US Centre at LSE. His most recent book is Politics and Strategy: Partisan Ambition and American Statecraft (Princeton University Press). Michael Cox is Director of LSE Ideas and Emeritus Professor of International Relations at LSE. The United States Centre at LSE (@LSE_US) is a hub for global expertise, analysis and commentary on America. Its mission is to promote policy-relevant and internationally-oriented scholarship to meet the growing demand for fresh analysis and critical debate on the United States.