LSE Literary Festival 2017 | The Maidan Revolution – Lessons Learned and Unlearned [Audio]

LSE: Public lectures and events show

Summary: Speaker(s): Anne Applebaum, Olena Bilan, Mustapha Nayeem and Vladyslav Rashkovan | Editor's note: There was a disturbance at 43.05, please note that the podcast jumps forward at this point. The overthrow of the Yanukovich government through a popular rebellion energised Ukrainian civil society and created expectations that have been hard to live up to. The Russian occupation of Crimea and support of separatists in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions have amplified the political and economic challenges, but the revolutionary fervour still lives on in large parts of Ukrainian society – sometimes propelling further reforms, but sometimes also undermining political consensus and leading to political overreach. Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) is a Visiting Professor in Practice at the Institute of Global Affairs at LSE and a columnist for the Washington Post. Olena Bilan is Chief Economist at Dragon Capital. Mustapha Nayeem (@mefimus) is a Ukrainian journalist, MP and public figure. Formerly he was a reporter for the newspaper Kommersant Ukraine, the TVi channel, and the internet newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda. Vladyslav Rashkovan is former Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine. Erik Berglof (@ErikBerglof) is Director of the Institute of Global Affairs at LSE. The Institute of Global Affairs (IGA) (@LSEIGA) at LSE creates a dedicated space for research, policy engagement and teaching across multiple disciplines to pioneer locally-rooted responses to global challenges.