Episode 79: Division Take 1 (Ft Deadman)

DestinyCCRadio show

Summary: <br> Episode 79 of our old show. Special guest Deadman. Deadman lets us know how he became part of <a href="http://thedivisionforums.com">TheDivisionForums.com</a> and his current role. The cast also discuss their first take on the Division, the things they love and things they dislike. It’s another great show full of drinks and laughter brought to you by AimAssistGaming.com. Don’t forget to like us and follow us on FaceBook, <a href="http://www.facebook.com/aimassistgaming">www.facebook.com/aimassistgaming</a> &amp; YouTube, <a href="http://youtube.com/AimAssistGaming">YouTube.com/AimAssistGaming</a>! You can become an "OFFICIAL" listener and support us at <a href="http://patreon.com/AimAssistGaming">Patreon.com/AimAssistGaming</a>. <br> Checkout our friends at <a href="http://rogueagentradio.com/">RogueAgentRadio.com</a> for the latest news and discussion on The Division. <br> Checkout <a href="http://thedivisionforums.com">TheDivisionForums.com</a> for everything The Division and more.<br>