Episode 81: Ramez Remix (@Ramez05)

DestinyCCRadio show

Summary: <br> Episode 80 of the Aim Cast, brings together TwoLoud, Hambone, and special guest Ramez. Ramez gives us the backstory to his success on twitch.tv and how became the twitch personality he is today. The cast also discuss all the breaking news and recent Destiny info released by Bungie this week. It’s another great show full of drinks and laughter brought to you by AimAssistGaming.com. Don’t forget to like us and follow us on FaceBook, <a href="http://www.facebook.com/aimassistgaming">www.facebook.com/aimassistgaming</a> &amp; YouTube, <a href="http://youtube.com/AimAssistGaming">YouTube.com/AimAssistGaming</a>! You can become an "OFFICIAL" listener and support us at <a href="http://patreon.com/AimAssistGaming">Patreon.com/AimAssistGaming</a>. <br>  <br>  <br> Checkout Ramez on Twitch.tv/Ramez05 and on twitter @Ramez05!<br>