Cowboy Bebop The Movie : Episode 55 - decipher SciFi : the show about how and why

decipher SciFi : the show about how and why show

Summary: Stream the movie:<br><br> <a href=";qid=1473734258&amp;sr=8-6&amp;keywords=cowboy+bebop&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Cowboy Bebop The Movie (aka Cowboy Bebop – Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door)<br> What: Spike, Jet and the rest try to hunt down a trenchcoated badass and need to save everybody from some nasty nanobioweapons. On Mars!<br><br> Directed by:  Shinichirô Watanabe<br><br> Starring: A bunch of voice talent.<br> Recommended and Related Media<br> <br> Cowboy Bebop<br><br> The series, generally recognized as much better than the movie, where we get to really know these characters and their arcs. Recognized as a classic of anime.<br><br> Stream the whole series for free <a href=";qid=1473734258&amp;sr=8-6&amp;keywords=cowboy+bebop&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Funimation<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Voices from L5<br><br> This podcast by our friend Liam take a softer-science look at space settlement. Great guests on great topics. Check it out!<br><br> Get the thing <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Patreon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Show Notes<br> <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right"><span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Meta<br> Cowboy Bebop the series, Yoko Kanno, style points.<br> Space Western<br> Shades of Firefly.<br> Gate Disaster<br> Shades of Seveneves and Deep Impact. Meteor impacts are becoming a recurring theme!<br> Settling Mars<br> Biodomes, <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">marscrete<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a>, martian soil, regolith, constructive impacts. Terraforming. Biodomes.<br> Weather Control<br> China! Weather control before and after the Beijing Olympics. Cold and warm cloud seeding. Chemicals. Super-frozen, uncrystallized. water.<br> Goodbyes<br> It’s time to blow this cinema. Get everybody and their stuff together.<br><br> Okay, 3-2-1 let’s jam.<br> Feedback? Please Contact Us<br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> Amazon and iTunes links include our affiliate codes. If you wouldn’t mind helping us out a tiny bit, go ahead and use them to buy/stream something. Thanks!