Radical Islamic Terrorism In America Today-Peter Vronsky (encore)

House of Mystery True Crime History show

Summary: Today's Radical Islamist Terrorist could be just a breath away from any of us: a fellow student, an employee or even the soldier in the next bunk. We could be attacked at a park, a mall, or a dance club. Americans today are facing an alarming new terrorist threat: 'Self-Radicalized' Terrorist. Unlike previous 'sleepers' like the 9/11 hijackers who infiltrated the United States from abroad, this new breed of 'Terrorist' come from within. Many are natural born Americans or immigrants to the U.S. who, over time, 'Self-Radicalized' themselves through radical Islamist internet propaganda and undertook terrorist action on their own initiative with little or no guidance from overseas terrorist groups. Unpredictable and often disguised in their previous identity as loyal American university students, government employees, or even members of the US military, this new 'franchise style' of terrorist is difficult to detect.