1 Jason Rieger / Jessica Droeger

Indivisible Chicago Podcast show

Summary: May 29, 2017 The Indivisible Chicago Podcast is finally on the air, or at least in your ears. Welcome! We're glad you found us. Once you listen to the cast and know for sure that you love it, please go to iTunes and subscribe, rate us, and write a review. Doing this helps other people find us, but even more important bolsters our fragile egos. In this week’s episode, Dan and Tom talk about how they got involved with Indivisible Chicago, the resistance movement, and what they hope to accomplish with this podcast. Dan did his part, but ultimately, things did not work out in Montana. Quist came closer than expected, but not close enough. Still, is this good news or bad news for the Resistance?They also reflect on the first half year of the Resistance Movement. In focusing on Trump, are we also focusing on the agenda Democratic party?For that matter, what is the agenda of the Democratic party? This conversation was sparked by a recent article in The New Republic https://newrepublic.com/article/142425/path-resistance-promise-perils-democrats-fight-against-trump. See also Salon. http://www.salon.com/2017/05/17/future-of-the-resistance-where-does-the-anti-trump-movement-go-from-here/ Tom talks to Jason Rieger, director and founder of Indivisible Chicago about how angst and agony lead to action and organization. We also talk to Indivisible Lincoln Square leader Jessica Droeger about what’s going on in her neighborhood and how the prep is coming for the March for Truth on June 3, 11 am in Federal Plaza. The March is an Indivisible Chicago sponsored event, which means there are bills to pay. Consider dropping a few coins in the hat at https://www.gofundme.com/marchfortruthchi. Next week, State Senator and gubernatorial candidate Daniel Biss, and Julia Kline on the March for Truth. Thanks for listening. Thanks for subscribing. Thanks for rating us high and writing a review. And thanks for remaining Indivisible, Chicago!