3699 Sins of the Father - Call In Show - May 24th, 2017

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [2:14] - “After coming from a background of public schools and soul mashing parenting, I have only recently started tackling some of my issues in the form of therapy, audiobooks and exercise. I’ve managed to make some good progress in an isolated bubble from the world, bought and paid for by my parents but crunch time has arrived. Long story short, I can choose to go to college, play videogames, smoke marijuana, and murder my own values just so I can live comfortably, or move out and be either destroyed or forged into a man by that hardship. I know that I would be happier moving out, and doing things I know are important to me (i.e. philosophy, mental self-improvement, exercise, preparing for the future, etc.) but the allure of just going with the flow is also strong. My question is how can the men of my generation avoid the traps of hedonism and anger, and live a moral life full of meaning?”<br><br>Question 2: [44:53] - "How does a person find out the best way to maximize his impact in the fight for western civilization, particularly when there is no price mechanism to providing feedback? If economic freedom is a prerequisite for social freedom, then shouldn't everyone who wants to maximize their income while still having a positive impact on the freedom movement start a business? Shouldn't the end goal of the freedom movement be to produce more economic value than socialists in as many industries as possible for the purpose of making socialists financially dependent on libertarians and anarchists, and is the best way of doing this to start a business? How does one find the best balance between a career and supporter of western civilization, and what does one use to measure progress in the latter?"<br><br>Question 3: [1:07:19] - “Why is this white privilege narrative taking hold so strongly in the West? How did it happen? I was a kid in the 80's and a teen in the 90's in Australia and it seemed like race was a non-issue. I had friends who I bonded with through social groups, not race. We were the outsiders. I was bullied. I was emotionally abused by my mother daily. But when I share my experiences with people claiming I'm privileged I'm told that its irrelevant because I was still privileged, based on nothing but my skin color. Needless to say my ancestors were British and my skin is very pale. Colonialism gets thrown at me, but when I respond with stories about how the convicts suffered they're dismissed, as if they don't count, or perhaps they don't fit into the narrative?<br><br>“I've been told that I have white privilege, which means that I've never had to notice race. I've been told that race is just a ‘concept that white people invented in order to oppress people of color.’ I don't even know what that means! Probably most frustrating of all, I've been told that, even though I'm ‘a lovely person with good intentions’ and that I ‘obviously have a very caring heart’ that I'm a racist. Unless I admit to myself that I was raised in a privileged position that taught me to be racist, which all white people were, that I can never be an ‘ally of people of color’ (whatever that means) and that I'm just part of the problem. I refuse to accept this accusation, so I'm pushing back where I see it, but it's wearing me down.”<br><br>Question 4: [1:45:49] - “My wonderful wife is pregnant with our second child and I’m very excited to have another kid. As I ponder fatherhood, I get so scared that my kids might feel the same darkness and loneliness I felt when I grew up. I’m afraid that because I haven't really addressed the pain of my childhood, that history will repeat itself and I’ll be like my father and my kids will cry as I did. What can I do, to make sure that if my kids feel pain, it’s not cause their father? How do I break the chains of bitterness so that it doesn't affect my children? How can I keep my emotional baggage from affecting my children's development?”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate