TPP #46: Are we doing it all wrong? Achievement vs. fulfilment

The Paul Minors Podcast: Productivity, Business & Self-Improvement show

Summary: In a recent episode of the Tim Ferriss podcast, Tim interviewed the world famous performance coach, Tony Robbins. In the interview, Tony makes a great case for shifting your focus from achievement and a goal orientated mindset to fulfilment and being happy with what you do (skip forward to 42:08 to listen to this part). Robbins argues that when you focus on achievement, you’re never going to be satisfied as you want more. That’s the thing with focusing on achievement; if your happiness depends on achieving things, you’ll never be happy as you have to achieve more and more. Now compare this to the idea of feeling fulfiled by the work that you do and making this the goal. Now you’re much more likely to find and sustain happiness. If you want to be more productive, start my free email course, the 7-Day Productivity Plan. Receive actionable, easy to follow advice via one email a day for 7 days: If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast. I'd also love it if you could leave me a review. Doing this will help more people discover the show so they to can get more done and get more out of life. Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo