TPP #47- Why you shouldn't sell your time with Ryan Waggoner

The Paul Minors Podcast: Productivity, Business & Self-Improvement show

Summary: In this episode of the Productivity Podcast, I talk to Ryan Waggoner who’s a master freelancer and expert on how to earn more in the time that you have. One of my biggest takeaways from the episode is why and how to move away from charging hourly to using “value pricing” and charging based on the outcomes that clients are looking for. Even if you’re not a freelancer, I’m sure you’ll get a lot of value from this episode as you listen to Ryan’s productivity processes. And if you’ve ever considered freelancing or earning a side-income from some skill that you have, then be sure to give this episode a listen as it’ll help you to avoid a lot of the mistakes that people often make when charging out their time. Show notes: 1) Who is Ryan Waggoner and what do you do? (3:15) 2) How did you transition from full-time work to freelancing? (7:59) 3) If you’re not going to charge hourly, do you charge a unique price per project? (9:09) 4) How can a full-time worker get started with freelancing "on the side"? (10:50) 5) As someone new to freelancing and consulting, how can I get started with finding prospecting, qualifying clients and getting paid gigs? What does this process look like? (15:40) 6) How can people leverage online “communities” to find clients? (20:13) 7) How many of your clients are new clients you've reached out to vs. referrals or repeat customers? (24:00) 8) How do you raise your rates as demand for your services increases? (27:35) 9) What are your recommended tools or apps for managing clients and getting paid? e.g. Harvest, Pipedrive. (33:06) 10) Tell us about your productivity habits, when it comes to getting work done what is your number one recommendation? (37:51) 11) How do you structure your days and do your work? e.g. the Pomodoro technique, batching tasks etc… (42:26) If you want to be more productive, start my email course, the 7-Day Productivity Plan. Receive actionable, easy to follow advice via one email a day for 7 days: If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast. I'd also love it if you could leave me a review. Doing this will help more people discover the show so they to can get more done and get more out of life. Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo