Green Talk Live "Water: What's in your glass?"

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: Tonight, on "Green Talk Live", the topic of discussion is on what many consider the most important element on earth, H2O. It's in everything we drink and the key to our survival, but the question is; what's in your glass? I mean if you're a faucet water drinker, are you drinking healthy, clean water? How much filtering does our water supply companies provide? Is it enough to make it good for you?   And what about all of these bottled water companies? Are they really giving us clean, accurately filtered, spring water? If they are, some of their bottled waters sure taste like faucet water, and it’s rumored that that's exactly what some of them are selling you.   There's so much to be covered and there's only 2 people who are right for this type of topic and that's "Green Talk Live" hosts Chef Moses & Chef Rivera. As usual, this will be a very informative show, so make sure you listen, and listen close!