Conspiracy Theories Part 2: Weather Modification

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: In 2013 Tay Real & Nizzy Nay had “Conspiracy Theories” Part 1 which is It’s Real Talk Radio’s highest viewed show to date and tonight is the sequel, “Conspiracy Theories Part 2”. The topic is "Weather Modification" including the ever so controversial “Chemtrails” and if you’re wondering what that is, well... here you go! Weather Modification is man’s ability to manually modify the weather. Chemtrails are the white streaks released into the sky by pilots who are believed to work for undisclosed organizations with a hidden agenda. Sceptics say these Chemtrails are causing a lot of issues as far as the weather is concerned! Some even go as far as to say that weather modification is used as a form of population control. How do you feel; do you think that weather modification is real and if so, do you think it’s being used to harm humanity? This will make for a very conscious discussion so join us as we will definitely give you lots of facts that will have YOU EVEN THINKING “Could this actually be possible!”  So sit back and check out “Conspiracy Theories Part 2” and as always you know we keep it REAL!